python language

Python institute in Greater Noida

Best python training institute in greater noida.

At INCAPP, We do not only teach concepts, We make sure you able to understand and implement practicaly.

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Course Curriculum

Python is a great and friendly language to use and learn. Python is a versatile, high-level programming language favored for its readability and vast ecosystem of libraries. In Data Science, it is extensively used for data analysis, machine learning, and complex data visualizations due to its powerful libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. Python simplifies the process of data manipulation, statistical modeling, and predictive analysis, making it a go-to tool for data scientists to extract insights and make data-driven decisions. Its ease of use and comprehensive resources make Python a popular choice for both beginners and experts in the field of Data Science.

  • History & Features of Python
  • Versions of Python
  • Applications of Python
  • Scripting vs Programming Language
  • Interactive Mode vs Script Mode
  • Installing Python
  • Writing First Python Program
  • Executing First Python Program using Interactive Mode
  • Executing First Python Program using Script Mode
  • Assignments

  • Introduction
  • Keywords
  • Identifiers
  • Comments
  • Data Type
  • Variables
  • print(), type(), id() functions
  • Operators
  • Type conversion functions
  • Receiving input from keyboard
  • Working with input() function
  • Assignments

  • Assignment Operator
  • Arithmetic Operator
  • Short-hand Operator
  • Relational Operator
  • Logical Operator
  • Identity Operator
  • Membership Operator
  • Bitwise Operator
  • Assignments

  • If Statement
  • If - else Statement
  • Elif Statement
  • Nested Decision Making Statement
  • Assignments

  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Else with Loop
  • Pass, break and continue
  • Nested Loops
  • Assignments

  • Defining a Function
  • Calling a Function
  • Types of Functions
  • Formal and actual Arguments
  • Named and keyword arguments
  • Default and Positional Arguments
  • *args and **kwargs Arguments
  • Local and Global Variables
  • Lambda function
  • Assignments

  • Need of modules
  • Creating a module and Importing Module
  • Different ways of importing
  • Working with Built-in Modules like math, sys, os, random, datetime etc.
  • Creating a Package and Using a package
  • Assignments

  • Understanding Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Who created OOP’s Concepts and Why?
  • Learn all OOP’s Concepts in real world
  • Defining your own clas
  • Creating object of a class
  • Variables and Methods in a Class
  • Instance Member
  • Class Member
  • Assignments

  • Understanding Encapsulation in Class
  • Public and private access specifiers
  • Assignments

  • Syntax of Constructor
  • Need of Constructor
  • Creating Constructor
  • Constructor with default arguments
  • Destructor
  • Assignments

  • Syntax of Inheritance
  • Need of Inheritance
  • Derived (child) and Base (parent) classes
  • Working of constructor in Inheritance
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Data Hiding
  • Assignments

  • Operator Overloading
  • Method Overriding
  • Abstraction
    • Abstract class
    • Abstract method
  • Properties
  • Assignments

  • Python Built-in Data Types

  • Creating Strings
  • Strings Immutability
  • String Indexing and Slicing
  • String Formatting
  • String Functions
  • String Operators
  • String Methods
  • String Joining and Splitting
  • Assignments

  • Creating and Accessing Lists
  • List Mutability
  • List operators and methods
  • Generating List using range()
  • Searching in List
  • User defined type List
  • Converting String into List
  • Converting List into String
  • Nested Lists
  • Assignments

  • Creating Tuple
  • Tuple indexing, slicing and functions
  • Tuple operators and Methods
  • Nested Tuples
  • Converting String and List to Tuple
  • Converting Tuple to String and List
  • Assignments

  • Creating Dictionary
  • Dictionary mutability
  • Adding and Deleting keys value pairs
  • Looping through Dictionary
  • Extracting only keys and only values from Dictionary
  • Creating Dictionary from List and Tuple
  • Dictionary comprehension
  • Assignments

  • Creating a Set
  • Normal and frozen Set
  • Creating and modify Empty Set
  • Add, removing and discarding elements to Set
  • Converting String, List and Tuple to Set
  • Converting Set into String, List and Tuple
  • Assignments

  • Errors and Exceptions
  • Exception Handling
  • Try and Except Block
  • Else block with try-except block
  • Finally Block
  • Raising an Exception
  • User-defined Exception
  • Assignments

  • Introduction to Tkinter Programming
  • Tkinter Widgets (Label, Button, Entry, ComboBox,
  • RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, TreeView, Frame)
  • Assignments

  • Widgets Event Handling

  • Project Work

How We Help You To Learn Coding

INCAPP is a leading coding institute committed to providing high-quality training programs to students, professionals, and organizations. We aim to empower individuals with the coding skills to achieve personal and professional growth and help organizations enhance the productivity and effectiveness of their workforce.

Expert Instructors

Top-class instructors, experts in their fields, teach through practical training.


Understand all concepts through well-structured assignments.

Doubt Resolution

Dedicated assistance provided to clarify doubts, featuring two types of instructors: Class Instructor and Lab Instructor.


Gain a comprehensive understanding of the technology through project work, guided by your instructor.


Outstanding students deserve the finest learning environment. At INCAPP, we guarantee a superior learning experience and personalized support to ensure your success.

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Top-Notch Classroom with Expert Instructor

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Comprehensive Study Materials

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Continuous Feedback and Monitoring

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Guaranteed Course Completion

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Project-Based Learning

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Course Completion Certification

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Dedicated Support for Doubt Resolution

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Placement Assistance

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Individual Attention to Each Student

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In-Class Assignment Sessions

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