web development

Web Development institute in Greater Noida

Best Web Development training institute in greater noida.

At INCAPP, We do not only teach concepts, We make sure you able to understand and implement practicaly.

What Will You Learn

web development
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Course Curriculum

Front-end web development is focused on building the visual and interactive aspects of a website that users interact with directly. It involves the use of languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an engaging and responsive user interface. This area of web development is crucial for ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience, making the website accessible and aesthetically pleasing across various devices and browsers. It plays a key role in attracting and retaining users, thereby directly impacting the success of a website or web application.

  • Introduction & History of Internet & WWW
  • What is a website?
  • Difference between Server & Browser
  • Static and Dynamic Website
  • What is Domain, Deployment & Hosting

  • Introduction & History of HTML
  • Getting Started with HTML
  • Creating First Web Page
  • Understanding Basics of Web Page
  • Requirement of DOCTYPE
  • Tag vs Element
  • HTML Headings
  • Line Break & Horizontal Line
  • Creating HyperLinks
    • Anchor Tag
  • Tag Anatomy
  • HTML Comments
  • Setting the Colors
  • Working with Images
    • Img tag
    • Understanding Alt attribute
    • Image as link
  • HTML Favicon Image
  • Project Work
  • Div tag
  • Center Tag
  • Text Formatting
    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Underline
    • Strike
    • Marked
    • Smaller
    • Big
    • Quote
  • HTML List
    • Ordered List
    • Unordered List
    • Definition List
    • Nested List
  • Project Work
  • Creating Tables
  • Understanding table structure
  • Table with rowspan and colspan
  • Project Work

  • HTML Form
  • Input Types
    • Text
    • Number
    • Email
    • Password
    • Range
    • Tel
    • Color
    • Url
    • Date
    • Time
    • Month
    • Week
    • Radio
    • Checkbox
    • File
    • Search
    • Submit
    • Reset
  • Creating Drop-Down List
  • Creating Buttons(Submit,Reset,Image)
  • Creating MultiLine Input box (TextArea)
  • Form Validation with “pattern” attribute
  • Project Work
  • HTML Character Entities
  • Span Tag
  • Sub and Sup tags
  • HTML Semantic Elements
  • Iframe tag
    • Embed a Pdf
    • Embed the Google Map
    • Embed the Youtube Video
    • Embed a webpage
  • Video tag
  • Audio tag
  • Meta Tag
  • Auto Refresh
  • Project Work

  • Introduction & History of CSS
  • Types of CSS Implementation
    • Inline CSS
    • Internal CSS
    • External CSS
  • Understanding CSS syntax
  • CSS selectors
    • Tag selector
    • ID selector
    • Class selector
    • Group selector
    • Universal selector
    • Combinator selector
      • Descendent selector
      • Child selector
      • Adjacent Sibling selector
      • General Sibling selector
    • Selector Priorities
  • Color Formats
  • Border property
  • Round Border property
  • Outline property
  • Working with height & width property
  • Margin & Padding property
  • Project Work
  • Background property
    • Background color
    • Background Image
    • Background repeat
    • Background attachment
    • Background position
    • Background size
  • Background Gradient
    • Linear
    • Radial
  • Text Formatting
    • Align
    • Direction
    • Decoration
    • Transform
    • Indent
    • Spacing
    • Line Height
    • Word Spacing
    • Text Shadow
  • Box Shadow
  • Font Property
  • Project Work
    • Display Property
    • Creating Page Layout
    • Project Work
    • Float Property
    • Position Property
    • Z-Index Property
    • Opacity Property
    • Overflow Property
    • Division in Horizontal center
    • Division in Page center
    • Division shape
      • Angled
      • Curvy
    • Pseudo class
    • Navigation Bar Vertical
    • Navigation Bar Horizontal
    • Project Work
    • Filter Property
    • Transform Property
      • Skew
      • Rotate
      • Scale
      • Translate
    • Transition Property
    • Transform with Transition Property
    • Project Work

    • Introduction & History of JS
    • Creating Alert Dialog
    • Ways for adding JS in HTML page
    • Plain JS
    • JS using Function
    • Change Text
    • Project Work
    • Console Log
    • Operators
      • Assignment
      • Arithmetic
      • Shorthand
      • Increment-Decrement
      • Conditional
      • Relational
      • Logical
    • Decision Making
      • If
      • If-else
      • If-else-if
      • Switch
    • Project Work
    • Loop Controls
      • For loop
      • While loop
      • Do-while loop
    • Break and Continue keyword
    • Project Work
    • Var, Let and Const
    • Functions and Methods
    • Window methods
    • Document methods
    • Arrays
    • String
    • String methods
    • Change CSS
    • JS Events
      • Click event
      • Key event
      • Mouse event
      • Focus and Blur event
      • Load event
      • Scroll event
      • Resize event
    • Class and Objects
    • DOM Objects
    • Project Work

    • Introduction & History of JQuery
    • Using JQ manually
    • Using JQ CDN
    • JQ Effects
    • Change Text using JQ
    • Change CSS using JQ
    • Project Work
    • Working with Decision Making
    • Working with Loop
    • JQ Events
      • Click and DoubleClick event
      • Key event
      • Mouse event
      • Focus and Blur event
      • On Event
    • Using JQuery based plugins
    • Project Work

    • Getting started with Bootstrap
    • Understanding predefined classes of bootstrap
    • Carousel in Bootstrap
    • Grid system in Bootstrap
    • Understanding Bootstrap with Project Work
    • Project Work

    • Working with Google Sheet
    • Get the form data from website to sheets
    • Project Work

    • Version Control System
    • Project Work

    • Understanding server
    • Deploying & Hosting using Github pages
    • Deploying & Hosting using Netlify

    • Understanding AI
    • Make the website automatically
    • Dive into the world of AI
    • Project Work

    How We Help You To Learn Coding

    INCAPP is a leading coding institute committed to providing high-quality training programs to students, professionals, and organizations. We aim to empower individuals with the coding skills to achieve personal and professional growth and help organizations enhance the productivity and effectiveness of their workforce.

    Expert Instructors

    Top-class instructors, experts in their fields, teach through practical training.


    Understand all concepts through well-structured assignments.

    Doubt Resolution

    Dedicated assistance provided to clarify doubts, featuring two types of instructors: Class Instructor and Lab Instructor.


    Gain a comprehensive understanding of the technology through project work, guided by your instructor.


    Outstanding students deserve the finest learning environment. At INCAPP, we guarantee a superior learning experience and personalized support to ensure your success.

    incapp features

    Top-Notch Classroom with Expert Instructor

    incapp features

    Comprehensive Study Materials

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    Continuous Feedback and Monitoring

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    Guaranteed Course Completion

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    Project-Based Learning

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    Course Completion Certification

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    Dedicated Support for Doubt Resolution

    incapp features

    Placement Assistance

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    Individual Attention to Each Student

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    In-Class Assignment Sessions

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