
React JS institute in Greater Noida

Best React JS training institute in greater noida.

At INCAPP, We do not only teach concepts, We make sure you able to understand and implement practicaly.

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React JS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications. It allows developers to create reusable UI components, enabling efficient and dynamic rendering of web pages. React's declarative approach simplifies the process of building interactive user interfaces and managing the state in web applications. It's widely used for its high performance, flexibility, and compatibility with other libraries or frameworks, making it a favored choice among developers for creating responsive and visually engaging web applications.

  • What is ReactJS?
  • Why ReactJS?
  • Features of ReactJS
  • Scope of ReactJS
  • ReactJS Versions
  • What is a Single Page Application?
  • Why Single Page Application?

  • ReactJS Installation
  • Understanding ReactJS Architecture
  • Creating First ReactJS Hello World Application
  • Debugging the First ReactJS Application
  • Executing the First ReactJS Application

  • Finishing the Hello World Application
  • Delete and recreate everything
  • Adding CSS to Hello World Application
  • Reusable Components

  • Understanding the existing template
  • Converting the HTML template into React App
  • Reusable Card and Assignment

  • What are states?
  • What are props?
  • Preparing the state-based applications
  • Making the Counter Application
  • Assignment for Counter Application

  • Introduction to Virtual DOM
  • DOM Vs Virtual DOM
  • What is ReactJS JSX?
  • Difference between JS and ReactJS JSX
  • Rendering Elements
  • Components Overview
  • Types of Components
  • Function Components
  • Class Components
  • Nested Components
  • Using Newly Created Components
  • Components Collections
  • Styling
  • Properties
  • Creating Components using Properties
  • Properties Validation
  • Constructor
  • Component Life Cycle
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Dynamic Data Rendering
  • Property Binding
  • Lists and Keys
  • Forms Handling
  • Forms Validations
  • Understanding Events and Event Handling
  • Passing arguments to Event Handlers
  • Material UI for Designing
  • Formik Validation
  • Local Storage
  • Cookies
  • Session

  • Setting up the React Router
  • Installing the React Router
  • Understanding the routing in single page application
  • Working with Browser Router Components
  • Configuring route with Route Component
  • Making routes dynamic with Route Params
  • Working with nested routes
  • Navigating through pages using Link and NavLink Components
  • Redirect Routes using Redirect Component

  • The problem that contextAPI solves
  • Details on Context and Provider
  • Details on Consumer in Context API
  • Understanding the working of dark and light mode
  • Creating a theme Toggler with Context API
  • Finishing the theme switcher app

  • What are we building here?
  • Create brain of the application
  • Use Reducer for our app
  • Sending a dispatch
  • Display the context data and dispatch

  • Introduction to Hooks
  • Understanding the need of Hooks
  • Types of Hooks
  • useState Hooks
  • useEffect Hooks
  • useContext Hooks
  • useRef Hooks
  • useReducer Hooks
  • useCallback Hooks
  • useMemo Hooks
  • Custom Hooks
  • Hooks Rules

  • Flux Introduction
  • Flux Architecture
  • Flux Working
  • Flux Components
  • Stores
  • Dispatchers
  • View Controllers
  • Actions
  • Views
  • Understanding the working of React and Flux together

  • What is Redux?
  • Why Redux
  • Installation and Setup
  • Store
  • Reducer
  • Actions
  • Provider Component
  • High order Components
  • Dispatchers
  • View Controllers
  • Selector
  • Asynchronous Actions
  • Middleware
  • Redux Thunk
  • Understanding Redux Saga
  • Installing and setting up redux saga
  • CRUD Operations using redux saga
  • Saga Vs Promises

  • Pagination
  • Searching
  • Filtration
  • JWT Token
  • Social Login
  • File Uploading

  • Learn to read docs for API
  • Let’s read Axios docs
  • Drill down the API
  • Extracting information from API

  • A walk of Pexels and JSON
  • Buy the item and remove the item
  • Fetching photos from the API
  • Storing everything as state
  • Card for every product
  • Create cart section
  • Bring the shop together
  • Removing the duplicate

  • Project Work

How We Help You To Learn Coding

INCAPP is a leading coding institute committed to providing high-quality training programs to students, professionals, and organizations. We aim to empower individuals with the coding skills to achieve personal and professional growth and help organizations enhance the productivity and effectiveness of their workforce.

Expert Instructors

Top-class instructors, experts in their fields, teach through practical training.


Understand all concepts through well-structured assignments.

Doubt Resolution

Dedicated assistance provided to clarify doubts, featuring two types of instructors: Class Instructor and Lab Instructor.


Gain a comprehensive understanding of the technology through project work, guided by your instructor.


Outstanding students deserve the finest learning environment. At INCAPP, we guarantee a superior learning experience and personalized support to ensure your success.

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Top-Notch Classroom with Expert Instructor

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Comprehensive Study Materials

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Continuous Feedback and Monitoring

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Guaranteed Course Completion

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Project-Based Learning

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Course Completion Certification

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Dedicated Support for Doubt Resolution

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Placement Assistance

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Individual Attention to Each Student

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In-Class Assignment Sessions

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